real numbers
Expect Great Things from
Your Advertising Company

More than 4000 Publishers trust in our Project and with 10 years with us.
Cloudflare connected nodes for better performance.
85% RevShare
Receive 85% of the campaigns published and imposed by advertisers.
With us you have
at your fingertips
We offer the best tools, we want you to feel comfortable with us.
Codes JS Dynamic
We differentiate our formats in friendly and possible flexible codes.
Direct Panel to Statistics
A detailed daily report of your earnings with daily impressions.
Immediate Approval
Easy approval of your web sites, and code delivered instantly.
We seek the best Performance
Get more website traffic, more customers, and more online visibility with powerful SEO services.
Direct Link CPM
Our direct link cpm code is our promising code and now we have it for all of you.
Paid to Promote Advertising
We pay for each validated visit, in our panel you will see the registered visits.

about us
AdmediaTex Token
ADMX in Events Monthly
Over 10 years AdmediaTex helping publishers reach their financial and branding goals.
We have a Monthly Ranking in which prizes are delivered in balance to the winners' accounts every month, a clean and transparent competition in real time.
RevShare Publishers
Advertisers Earnings
CDN Nodes and AdCloud Faster.
Ads Campaigns per month.
Start Earn Money in AdmediaTex
Our Project Offers You
The best earnings transparency
Additional daily passive income.
The Advertising market is increasingly entering into CPM, which AdmediaTex has been practicing since 2014, with a base of experience in the field.
We have prizes every day on our platform for users who reach certain achievements and earn more daily or monthly income.
We list payments daily in different payment methods, all are reviewed individually by our managers and processed immediately.